Linux mint is free of charge (thanks to your donations and adverts on the website) and we hope you'll enjoy it. some of the packages we distribute are under the gpl. if you want to access their source code you can use the apt-get source command.. Linux mint (64-bit) free provide an up-to-date, stable operating system for the average user, with a strong focus on usability and ease of installation.. Hampir kelupaan, linux mint 13 (maya) ini terdiri dari beberapa versi, yaitu linux mint versi biasa dan linux mint debian. untuk mendownloadnya silakan klik di bawah ya… download: linux mint 13 (maya). tersedia 2 edisi, mate dan cinnamon. download: linux mint debian 13. tersedia 2 edisi, mate dan cinnamon..
Saya baru berhasil instalasi linuxmint 13 (maya) mate 64 bit di laptop saya (a*note centurion c-9457) dengan menggunakan windows 7 professional 64 bit.di bawah ini urut-urutan cara instalnya : 1. semua versi linuxmint 13 64 bit dapat di instal menggunakan windows dengan virtual cd/dvd yang dapat membaca image dvd/cd.. Download tip. a little bit goes a long way. if everyone who downloaded ubuntu mate donated $2.50 it would fund the full-time development of ubuntu mate and mate desktop. please help both projects flourish by showing your support with a tip.. There is an issue with installing wine on linux mint 13 mate 64 bit edition (not with mate 32 bit edition, or with either cinnamon edition). issue is that if you install the package "wine", it will remove the following five packages:.