Monday, January 30, 2017

Friday Feeling Cold!

Friday Feeling Cold!

Snow. I dont know what it is about it but it turns you into an 8 year old again!, its so beautiful and instantly makes you feel so festive and Christmasy! We dont often get snow here in the months before Christmas, usually the odd week in January but the year the cold snap started early! 

No thats not Narnia, thats the view from outside my window!

Yes, its beautiful but the disruption its causing! im finding it almost impossible to get my orders out, and no deliveries are coming in, so pretty much the worst situation we could be in, what with the christmas rush!
I have faith though, that it will all work out ok, and you will all have lovely, pretty, pink parcels to open come xmas morning! 

Inspiration ?



Kate x 

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