Thursday, January 26, 2017

Focusing on Fiction Dialogue Comic Strip Makers

Focusing on Fiction Dialogue Comic Strip Makers

The students have been working hard the last few weeks building a better understanding of the types of fiction as well as some elements when it comes to writing fiction.  Besides reading and listening to many wonderful fiction stories, the students have discussed plot, "showing" character traits instead of writing them through physical description/actions, as well as writing with dialogue.

Many students have started to publish their fiction stories on their blogs!  We would love to have some comments posted so take a look at them (they will be posting them all within the next week).

Along with this, the students are taking their fiction piece and modifying it to create a comic strip.  This is being done in collaboration with TECH as well as building an understanding of what "dialogue" means.  I am excited to share those with you as well.  Look for the student comic strip post sometime within the next week or two as well.

It amazes me when I compare the students writing at the beginning of the year to this point in the year! So much growth!  #proud

Available link for download