Thursday, January 26, 2017

Full Disclosure of My Critical Biases and Sexual History and other things that are TMI

Full Disclosure of My Critical Biases and Sexual History and other things that are TMI

I like entertainment more than Art with a capital A. I believe I can recognize art, or at least well written fiction. Those things may not be mutually exclusive. Reading Don Simpsons blog before it went away made me realize that talking about what is and isnt art without defining it will give people massive headaches and make them write-off everything you say. Well, I did that with Don, anyway.

But Ill read 100 Nextwaves, even if Ellis takes to personally insulting me in future issues (and if he reads my manifesto about the book, he may), over a couple of Acme Novelty Libraries or Ganges or whatever. Because Id rather be entertained than read a heartbreaking work of staggering genius. Thats just how I roll. I dont dismiss indie comics fully. I read some of them. Black Hole was my favorite GN of the last year. I dont think their fans are snobs. Well, most of them arent, inherently. Some are totally insufferable pricks I wouldnt piss on if they were on fire, running around in a circle, and yelling "Piss on me, fanboy!" They know who they are. But my bias is toward mainstream comics like Seven Soldiers Frankenstein to most of whats out there, becuase do the indie comics have Frankenstein and the Bride working for an erstatz SHIELD and fighting monsters mutated by "... the Water!"? I dont think so. So fuck off, serious cartoonists and everyone else not published by Marvel, DC, and Dark Horse and Image I guess.

One thing I agree with obfuscating old man Simpson on is that I think a lot of people associated with indie/art comics are pretty bad about expecting people to give a shit about their comics because they are not like mainstream comics. It comes off as kinda petulant, you know? I imagine certain folks stomping their feet and going "We are too art!" and "But were better than the crap you read, stupid!" when describing the latest literary black and white masterpiece.

Sure, indie comics may be good for me, but you know what else people always try to sell me by telling me its good for me? Broccoli. So, indie comics bolsters, find a better way to sell me on your favorite comics than making me think of eating my vegetables. Well, those of you that do that. This is a bigger strawman than a 3,000 foot tall Scarecrow. Im just still kinda angry. It was that kind of week, last week. Just be glad Cronin didnt post a polemic like me and the Gregs. Boy, you do not want to see Cronin mad. I bet its real bad.

Also, Im a virgin. I didnt want to leave the people who read this just for my sexual history hanging. Theres none. Have fun with that one in the comments section!

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