Thursday, January 26, 2017

Former SUG president writes an open letter to VC

Former SUG president writes an open letter to VC

Comrade Mayowa Adebiyi  also known as Angelmayor wrote a  lengthy open letter to VC prof. Femi  Mimiko, discussing the content is  beyond  me
please read it below with patience..

Dear Sir,
Neccesity had necessitated this letter at this material
time, having observed the recent imbroglio in
Adekunle Ajasin University, a one time best state
university in Nigeria and to borrow your slogan a 21st
century University properly called. As a visionary and a
member of the reformist wing of the national variety,
keeping mute will be unfair to the university who has
done much for us. Distinguish vice chancellor no doubt
my experience in the last few weeks in Akungba shows
that there is improvement on infrastructure and this
offcourse can not be separated from your


Sir,"a leader is known not by the office
he occupies nor by the enormity of the power he
wields but by the magnanimity with which he
exercises the power entrusted to him and the humility
he demonstrates in his interaction with the people" Sir
the truth is that we cannot build a university in
physical properties alone and reduce our strength in
academic excellence which is the quality of
staff,because development itself is a function of
happiness, state of mental freedom of any given
society, information has it that all notable teachers of
sound academic excellence have left AAUA because of
your attitude. Your appointment as the vice chancellor
of AAUA in 2009 was expected to be an art of patriotic
labour and selfless service to the institution,as much
as I no that the vice chancellorship position has it own
high moral principles,however you have display high
level of acerbity against anybody who has different
views aside yours no matter how genuine. Your action
so far as constituted a major burden and as always
work against reliable order of development in the

As a younger brother to the visitor it is
expected of you to continually focus on service, duty,
responsibility and to be liberal so as to have common
venue to accommodate peoples opinion. Mr vice
chancellor sir,as a renowned professor of political
science with better understanding and enormous
knowledge of societal administration one would have
expected that you will have enough intellectual
experience to handle an academic community like
AAUA no matter how politically sensitive it may be. Mr
vice chancellor in fairness to God and man you did not
have valid basis for your actions so far in AAUA, it was
just a show of superiority over the members of staff
and students,because what you fail to tolerate today
was planted by you back in 2006/2007 when your
brother was contesting against Dr. Olusegun Agagu.
See page 26 The Nation Newspaper (13/02/2014), a
member of staff saying

 "Should I say it is a pay back 
time for us lecturers?"When he was denied this
    fought for him and we mobilised and supported his
    brother to become governor"
 the lecturer said. But, Mr
appointment by the late Governor Olusegun Agagu,we
vice chancellor you have use your power in AAUA so
far to advance personal interest against collective
interest of all. The arears you refuse to pay due to "no
work no pay policy " established unilateraly by you
was needless given the circumstances that led to that
strike, other universities of learning in Nigeria
including OSUSTECH owned by Ondo state
government have resolve to pay their lecturers,sir your
action on this matter was consider by me as needless
intimidation and the boast of imperialism over the

 Distinguish Professor,within the university
you have been described as despotic, draconian,
autocratic and dictatorial. You have adopted and
recruited students, lecturers and other non-teaching
staff as an underground spy to report anybody within
the university community who may have different
opinion aside your views, a style similar to that of
Muammar Gadafi former Libya President
(Revolutionary committees to keep tight control over
internal dissent in 1969) sir this is primitive and

 Those who take side with you (the emperor)
against the powerless subjects should seek for the
forgiveness of Almighty God, because this is an unjust
assignment,it is a code that is out of harmony with the
moral law,it is not rooted in eternal law as it tends to
degrade human personality. I am sorry for Pastor
Bamidele Olotu the University Registrar who defended
an unholy position of the SECURITY OFFICIALS against
the LECTURERS compromising the biblical principle of
Shadrach,Meshach and Abednego who disobey the law
and instruction of Nebuchadnezzar,on the ground that
a higher moral law was at stake,he( Pastor Bamidele
Olotu) there by allow himself to be strip off the
garment of a real man of God.

Finally, most distinguish vice chancellor of our noble
institution, AAUA is ours,we have no other place to call
our own.I have been consistently observed the weight
of public observation about the whole situations in
AAUA,a promising 21st century university were a
recruited thugs otherwise known as SHERIFF
DEPUTIES(security officer)is been encourage to slap a
PHD Holder who is the chairman of all academic staff
including the vice chancellor himself (I wonder what a
defenseless students must have been facing in AAUA)
and yet the university defended it as appropriate I
think it is a clear negation of what the institution stand

Hence the following are my advise. 

1.   The vice
chancellor as a matter of urgency should desist from
this shenanigan cynicism and tender a public apology
to ASUU and other peoples involved and apply
necessary discipline on the said security officer. 

2. A
capacity building training is recommended to the
university for the security officials for proper
management of higher institution of learning security

3. The vice chancellor should pay all the staff
their entitlements without further delay.

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