Monday, March 6, 2017

Freedom loving people say thanks to Ecuador!

Freedom loving people say thanks to Ecuador!

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 PRESS RELEASE: Julian Assange statement

Thursday August 16, 2012

Assange has hailed the "courageous" act of Ecuador and compared it with the reluctance of Britain and Australia to help him.

In a statement made earlier at the embassy this afternoon, he thanked the staff and went on to pay tribute to Bradley Manning.

"I am grateful to the Ecuadorean people, President Rafael Correa and his government. It was not Britain or my home country, Australia, that stood up to protect me from persecution, but a courageous, independent Latin American nation.

While today is a historic victory, our struggles have just begun. The unprecedented US investigation against WikiLeaks must be stopped.

While today much of the focus will be on the decision of the Ecuadorean government, it is just as important that we remember Bradley Manning has been detained without trial for over 800 days.

The task of protecting WikiLeaks, its staff, its supporters and its alleged sources continues. "

Thx EC!

Express your thanks to Ecuador as a freedom loving person - we are all Julian Assange!

You might like to visit an embassy with these posters:

More Asylum posters/placards are here.
We need to demand the UK guarantee safe passage out of the country, the US end its investigation into WikiLeaks and supporters, and Sweden investigate abuses of legal process.
And all the while, Bradley Manning is imprisoned for daring to act on his conscience. Free Bradley Manning: Peace Hero!

Check out some Julian Assange support posters.
And the latest Bradley Manning: Peace Hero posters

Available link for download