Gandhigiri Full Movie Download Mp4 HD Jpg 2016 Hindi Movie
Gandhigiri Full Movie Download Mp4,HD,Jpg 2016 Hindi Movie
Has anyone heard of a movie named Gandhigiri? Chances are many havent yet. Do you know who the lead actor of the movie is? Its none other than Om Puri. Any guesses about the release date of the film? Its October 21.
Gandhigiri Full Movie Download Trailer,Latest Movie
Now Om Puri is a professionally trained theatre actor and a mighty good one indeed. In fact, a National award winner if I may add. And looking at his current antics, it wont be too far-fetched to hazard a guess that this terrific actor may have delivered one of his finest acting performances yet again albeit on news channels this time bewildering the nation into believing his outbursts and hysteria on screen were for real.
When reports of Om Puri having spoken out in favour of Pakistani actors first emerged around September 27, my interest was piqued. I was keen to know where Puri had spoken out as Twitter and other social media platforms are not quite used by him to opinionate. A quick search revealed that the first statement airing his views supporting Pakistani actors was made in Lucknow while touring the city to promote Gandhigiri. Another story about Puri appeared on the same day in a tabloid suggesting how the actor was apparently involved in a scuffle with a scribe in the city after the latter quizzed him about his personal life. Good controversial stories to keep the film buzzing in which Puri plays the lead, I thought.
Gandhigiri Full Movie Download Poster,Image Hindi Movie 2016
A few days later Puri exploded (perhaps he was not happy with the tepid response his earlier pro-Pak actors opinion met with) and one saw his face plastered on news channels both from English to Hindi ones. For someone who is not exactly a dial-a-quote celebrity à la Mahesh Bhatt or as outspoken as an Anurag Kashyap and chooses to lead the life of a recluse unless he has a film to promote, here was Om Puri appearing on different channels all geared up to take the bull by the horns. Just that this time, he chose the side that he knew would grab maximum eyeballs and keep him controversially trending from prime time to super prime time. Unfortunately, it was not exactly an amusing sight to watch as a charged up, venom spewing, highly animated Padma Shri Om Puri threw caution to the wind and took on anchors arguing and fighting with them in the highest decibels that his baritone could afford. And just when one thought he would hold on to his stance with a trademark flourish irrespective of the severe backlash, in came his meek apology.
An improvement on the MQ-1 Predator drone, the MQ-9 Reaper is a UAV that became operational in 2007. Used primarily by the USAF and the CIA, the Reaper has become a very useful and respected battlefield weapon.
Improvements... (Defense-Update)
The Reaper can fly at a higher altitude (50 000 ft.) with higher speeds (260 knots) and for a longer time (14 hours fully loaded). It also has a significantly greater payload than the Predator. In internal stores, the Reaper can carry up to 800 pounds, almost twice the Predator. In external stores, the Reaper can carry up to 3000 pounds! This means that the Reaper is able to carry up to 14 Hellfire missiles, compared to the maximum 2 of the Predator.
Also, the avionics on the MQ-9 is greatly improved.
The Reaper can carry an assortment of different missiles and bombs. Right now, it is able to operate with AGM-114 Hellfire missiles air-to-ground missiles, GBU-12 Pathway II laser-guided bombs, and GBU-38 Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) bombs. Testing underway to include the AIM-92 Stinger air-to-air missile into the arsenal.
Size and Costs...
The Reaper is about twice the size of the Predator and is about the same size as the A-10 Thunderbolt (Length: 36 ft. Height: 12.5 ft. Wingspan: 66ft.).
A fully equipped Reaper can cost up US $10.5 million, more than twice the costs of a Predator (about US $4.5 million).
Other Uses...
The Reaper is also used by Homeland Security for border patrol and NASA as an information gathering platform.
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Production Year: 2012 Release Date: 09/23/14 Studio: Xlrator Director: Scott Schirmer
We live in a time where film equipment and editing software are both cheap and fairly obtainable. Anyone with an amazon account and a bit of cash can make a film. Its a blessing and its a curse; dedicated auteurs can finally put their vision on video and Joe from down the road can film the 700th zombie flick. Sometimes we strike out - sometimes we strike gold. Found is a perfect example of striking gold. Its strange, its severe, it will haunt your mind like a bad LSD trip. Found is about an oddball 5th grader named Marty (Gavin Brown), hes horror obsessed, creating his very own graphic novel, and his older brother keeps the sawed off heads of minorities in a bowling ball bag. You read that correctly.
Marty is dealing with his brothers disturbing vices while also juggling bullies, losing friends, and the typical problems that are associated with being an awkward preteen. Clearly home life isnt too great, with bickering parents and a brother (Steve; Ethan Philbeck) that could snap at anytime.
Things get pretty intense when Marty tells a friend about his brothers nocturnal activities. Will his friend snitch? Will Steve find out? Will Marty end up being another severed head calling a bowling bag home? Well, Im afraid youll have to watch Found to get an answer for those questions.
I finally know what all of the hubbub is about! I really did enjoy Scott Schirmers Found, all of the positive things youve possibly read about this film are true. While the film does have its faults, theres a lot of good to be found (see what I did there?) The story is original, to some of us it will be oddly relatable. In many ways its just a macabre coming of age film, and lets face it; theres not enough of those in the horror-world. I did mention there were a few faults with the film, most of them were budgetary and because of that I choose not to nitpick, I will say that some of the acting was a little wooden but if you can get past that youre golden. This is truly a film I would recommend and I look forward to Schirmers future endeavors.
Commentary with director Scott Schirmer and Author Todd Rigney
Headless (24:50) - The film features two "fake" horror films, these two films are available in their full uncut glory as bonus features. The first is Headless which is essentially just a short featuring a deranged killer who has a fetish for decapitation. Remember kids, love will leave you HEADLESS.
Deep Dwellers (06:21) - The second movie within the movie is much shorter, Deep Dwellers is about a young couple who decide to spend an afternoon at the lake. Unfortunately for the two this lake is inhabited an underwater creature.
Trailer (02:15)
Found is a film that will linger with you, Ive already found myself itchin to watch it again. Xlrator presents the film with a very solid release, the commentary, shorts, and trailer are all much appreciated. The DVDcan currently be pre-ordered for $12.99 over at amazon, a great price for a film of this quality. Found gets the highest recommendation I can give, if youre a horror fan it truly is a must see.
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FuturePoly online master class and Ranting Dragon Intervew
Ill be participating in a online master class put on by FuturePoly. Go to the FuturePoly website and find out more information. Spots are limited so sign up soon.
FuturePoly Online Class website
I also did a interview for the website Ranting Dragon about some of my covers I did. There is a couple process shots I havent posted yet, so check it out.
When I mentioned the ship Lurline after writing about the edging "Lurline" I did not expect to get multiple, thrilling comments from readers who had sailed on the ship; or had seen the ship in its prime, or who had relations whod sailed on the ship; or who actually knew a Lurline who was directly descended from the Lurline who had given her name to the ship. And, fine, yes, I will be learning to play the goopy sweet song about finding love on the Lurline on my ukulele. I eat that sort of thing up with a spoon, you know I do.
Here, just for kicks, is another nineteenth century edging from Weldons Practical Knitter (Fourteenth Series). Its called "Cyprus."
Not so unusual as "Lurline," but handsome and easily memorized. Like "Lurline," this edge is worked in garter stitch so it doesnt curl. Its heading for not one, but two upcoming projects I am otherwise not supposed to talk about right now.
Notes: yo2. Double yarn overyarn wraps twice around right needle. sl 1. Slip stitch as if to purl, with yarn in front.
The yarn, by the way, is Zitron Lifestyle from Skacel. I have fallen deeply in love with it. Its wool, its superwash, its lightweight, and it has so much spring that if Id been in charge of branding at the Zitron mill I would have called it BOING. An absolute joy to handle.
Today is a bit overscheduled, so I must dash, but if you want more of me I just did an interview for the gorgeous people at Squam Art Workshops. Oh my yes, I will teaching at Squam again this year. I guess they took me seriously when I said if they didnt invite me back I was going to sneak in anyway, sleep in a tree, and eat moss.
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Force 2 Full Movie Download HD 720p DVDrip Torrent
Force 2 Full Movie Download HD 720p DVDrip Torrent
Full Name: Force 2 (2016) Size: 700mb,etc Quality: 720p BRRip Genres: Action, Crime, Thriller Release Date: 18 Nov 2016 Language: Hindi Stars: John Abraham, Tahir Raj Bhasin, Sonakshi Sinha,
Directed : Abhinay Deo
Produced : Vipul Amrutlal Shah, Viacom Motion Pictures, & John Abraham
Writter : Parveez Shaikh and Jasmeet K. Reen
Starring : John Abraham, Sonakshi Sinha & Tahir Raj Bhasin
Production company : Sunshine Pictures Pvt. Ltd.,, JA Entertainment
Distributor : Viacom 18 Motion Pictures
Release dates : 18 November 2016
Force 2 Full Movie Download HD 720p DVDrip Torrent is Bollywoods Action-Thriller Film. Force 2 Torrent is directed by Abhinay Deo & produced by Vipul Amrutlal Shah, Viocom Motion pictures and John Abraham. The story of the Force 2 720p is written by parveez shaikh and jasmeet.K.Reen. Force 2 Full HD Download cinematography handled by Imre juhasz and Mohankrishna. The film Force 2 Torrent is the sequel of 2011s, Force, which features John abraham, Genelia DSouza, Vidyut Jamwal and Raj Babbar.
Screenshot ?
Force 2 Full Movie Download HD 720p DVDrip Torrent features John abraham and Sonakshi sinha in main lead, while Tahir Raj Bhasin, Paras Arora and Narendra jha are as Supporting Role. Genelia DSouza will seen as Cameo Appereance.
In the Movie John Abraham is playing a Role of Mumbai police officer ACP Yashvardhan and Sonakshi sinha as KK. Tahir Raj bhasin will be playing a Negative Role in the film as Shiv and Genelia DSouza as Maya.
Trailer of Force 2 was launched and its Look Fantastic. In the Electrifying Trailer, John Abraham and Sonakshi sinha are looking Hot toghether. in previous Movie, John Abraham lifted Two wheeler Bike (Pulsar), Nut now in the sequel he will seen lifting a Mercedes Benz Car. The film Trailer shows that John abraham and Sonakshi sinha are in mission of RAW.
Movie Overview
Force 2 is an up and coming Indian activity thriller film coordinated by Abhinay Deo which highlights John Abraham and Sonakshi Sinha in the number one spot parts. The film is the spin-off of the 2011 film Force. Main photography of the film started in August 2015 and is planned for an overall discharge on 18 November 2016. Compel 2 motion picture is booked to discharge on 18 November. After accomplishment of Force, John Abraham holds hands with another executive at the end of the day to want a spin-off of the Action film. ACP Yashvardhan came back to his employment in the wake of losing Maya to Vishnu. He declined to give the disaster a chance to influence his first love, his employment of wrongdoing battling. In this new portion he will get another accomplice in our activity motion picture ruler Sonakshi Sinha. Constrain one was valued by film goers and also pundits. John Abrahams last, Rocky Handsome, was a normal activity flick that didnt go down too well, however he saw some accomplishment in the Action-Comedy Dishoom. Constrain 2 will, maybe, be nearer to Force than to Rocky Handsome. Drive 2 has additionally reserved in the Mad Max: Fury Road group for activity arrangements and you can expect some high octane show unfurl on the screen.With a significant part of the prior group lost, Force 2 will brandish some new characters int he motion picture. The new spin-off will be coordinated by Abhinay Deo, who is additionally connected with Popular Indian rendition of the 24 TV arrangement. The main film in the Force establishment was a redo of a film from South, yet this one will have a unique script and center as much on narrating as activity, says John Abraham. You will be the first to know more as we find out about it. The initial segment finished with ACP Yashvardhan (John Abraham) losing his significant other Maya (Genelia DSouza) on account of Vishnu. The spin-off is set for another case and new arrangement of adversaries for ACP Yashvardhan to handle. Constrain 2 is additionally said to have been shot crosswise over India, Bangkok, and Budapest so you can expect ACP Yashvardhan track the feared lawbreakers on an International scale and jump crosswise over mainlands. Whats more, that is the place our freshest activity star Sonakshi Sinha comes in as a RAW specialist. Compel 2, dont expect that it will be a revamp as well, dissimilar to the first which was a change of a Tamil film and the chief has made it clear that Force 2 has a crisp and energizing script . Shah who is know for his activity pressed movies like Commando and Force, So Force 2 will likewise an eye catcher without a doubt. Noe much insights about the plot points of interest of Force 2 is out and we will make a point to upgrade it as ahead of schedule as could be expected under the circumstances.
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