Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Free Swag on Ho Chi Minhs Birthday!
Free Swag on Ho Chi Minhs Birthday!
Yes, its Ho Chi Minhs birthday today - he would have been 106 today! Its also Joey Ramones birthday, Pete Townshends birthday, Malcolm Xs birthday, and Pol Pots birthday (boo!). Its also my birthday. Yippee! I turn 35 today, which means Im old. Okay, not old, but I feel old. It also means that I remember buying comics when you could give the clerk a single piece of green paper with George Washingtons picture on it and receive a comic book in exchange and get change. I know - sit down and catch your breath for a second! Phew, thats quite the head rush!
In celebration of my natal-versary, Im giving stuff away! I have in my possession a copy of The Nightmarist, which the fine folk at Active Images (I assume Richard Starkings had something to do with it) sent me not long ago. It is written and drawn by Duncan Rouleau, and is a fine graphic novel. I reviewed it in this post (trust me, its there), and Rouleau himself stopped by to say hello. Our Lord High Cronin dug it too, in case you dont trust my impeccable taste. Broken Frontier really liked it, too, if thats your thing. Anyway, Im giving it away, so it could be crap and youd want it! Free = Desirable! Its the American Way!
So Im having a contest. Now, unlike my last contest, this will not depend upon my opinion of your mad skillz. This will be cold hard scoring! Heres the game:
Below I have posted twenty-five (25) panels/pages from certain comic books. Some are wildly famous, and some are pretty darned obscure. I want you to identify them. Thats not so hard, is it? I would like you to tell me:
1. The name and issue number of the comic book in which the panel appears. Yes, I want the issue number!
2. The name of the writer.
3. The name of the penciller. Dont worry about the inker - theyre just tracers, after all!
Each answer is separate, therefore the total number of points is 75. Each correct answer will give you one point. The person with the most points wins. Simple, right? I want the issue number because if you happen to see a certain Caped Crusader, I dont want you to just say, "Its Batman!" I want you to say, "Thats Batman #612 with that totally awesome fight between Batman and Superman!" Flex those comic book geek muscles, geeks!
There is one exception. I dont need an issue number for #8. The reasons are my own!!!!
If you want a free copy of The Nightmarist, e-mail me with your answers. Its Friday, so lets set the deadline on Monday. By the end of the day on Monday, have your answers. That should give you enough time to hang out in your garage flipping through your long boxes! Have fun!
Number One.
Number Two.
Number Three.
Number Four.
Number Five.
Number Six.
Number Seven.
Number Eight.
Number Nine.
Number Ten.
Number Eleven.
Number Twelve.
Number Thirteen.
Number Fourteen.
Number Fifteen.
Number Sixteen.
Number Seventeen.
Number Eighteen.
Number Nineteen.
Number Twenty.
Number Twenty-One.
Number Twenty-Two.
Number Twenty-Three.
Number Twenty-Four.
Number Twenty-Five.
Remember: issue number, writer, penciller. 75 points are there to be had! If you dont know the issue number but recognize the artist, thats one point! If you dont know the artist but think you know the writer, send it along! If you dont know the creative team but are sure you know the issue number, thats another point! You dont need to get every part of the answer correct! How cool is that?
So, again, e-mail me by close of business on Monday. Good luck!
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