Friday, February 3, 2017

Friday Top Five These pretzels are making me thirsty

Friday Top Five These pretzels are making me thirsty

Todays Friday Tope Five is:
Seinfeld Episodes

Seinfeld is more than a show. It is part of my DNA. It is a huge contributor to our vernacular, the way we express ourselves. And its funny as, dude.

1) The Betrayal
AKA: The Backwards Episode.
 Elaine takes George and Jerry to India for her frenemy Sue Ellen Misckes wedding. George wont take his boots off. Elaine gets pissed. Kramer stays behind. His lollipop is an awesome prop for the backwars editing. Episode is in reverse. Ends with Jerry moving in eleven years earlier, telling Kramer, Whats mine is yours Big Mistake. Huge.

2) The Alternate Side
Elaine dates an old guy who has a stroke. George is moving cars. Kramer is in a Woody Allen film- his line is "These pretzels are makin me thirsty. The line become an answer to any frustrating or nervewracking situation

3) The Outing
AKA Not that theres anything wrong with that.
Jerry and George pretend to be gay to trick an eavesdropper. It snowballs out of hand. Its Jerrys birthday. Elaine gets him Bette Midler CDs and George gets him tickets to Guys and Dolls. "Isnt that a lavish Broadway musical?" "Its Guys and DOlls, not Guys and Guys!" Kramer gets him a piece of crap 2 line phone that makes the whole situation worse.

4) The Mom and Pop Store
AKA Jon Voights car.
George buys Jon Voights Le Baron. Tim Whatley has a Thanksgiving Party. Last Stop Pottersville. Jerrys Sneakers are all stolen, leaving him only with cowboy boots. "But I don;t wanna be a cowboy!" Fantastic homage to Midnight Cowboy- Jerry and Kramer in the bus heading off to find stolen sneakers.

5) The Puerto Rican Day.
AKA The flag burning one
All get stuck in a Puerto Rican Day Parade. Elaine re enacts the Poseiden Adventure underneath the bleachers. Kramer stomps on the burning flag and angers the mean gay couple who previously stole Elaines bureau in The Soup Nazi. George is taunted by a laser pointer guy. Awesome meeting of wealthy industrialists H.E Pennypacker,  Art Vandaly (former potential latex salesman) and Kel Varnson in the apartment for rent. Who is watching the Saab factory!!!

OK, that was hard, but that was my Top Five Seinfeld Episodes.

What are your favourite Seinfeld episodes. How many Seinfeld references are still in your current vernacular?

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