Thursday, February 2, 2017
Froggy Fun Mini Unit!
Froggy Fun Mini Unit!
OMG is it Spring yet?? Its definitely not Spring here but I wish it was. The weather is just crazy. The other day we experienced a "polar vortex". It felt below 0 degree. Today was 50. Who can get used to that? Well wishing it was Spring I decided to come up with something a little bit early in hopes spring hurries up!!
I am so happy to be showing you my latest little creation. I have another one like this coming but a butterfly unit instead.
I am so happy to be showing you my latest little creation. I have another one like this coming but a butterfly unit instead.
This will be perfect for your little ones this Spring time when they learn about Frogs and Butterflies. This mini unit has the printables you need to keep your sweet students excited about these cute little animals and learn some things they didnt know before.
Flashing Frogs!!

Flashing Frogs!!

Okay seriously
. Im obsessed with these frog crafts! Heres a closer look at

Look at the cute little guy!

You can even take the face and turn it into a cute froggy mask for the little ones!

We seriously laughed so hard when she put this on! It fit her like a glove. LOL

You can even take the face and turn it into a cute froggy mask for the little ones!

And if you love it as much as my friend, you can try it on too!
I really am obsessing over this packet and cant wait until Spring to learn about these little guys. This unit is filled with printables and booklets great for introducing/supplementing your Froggy lessons. Here are some of my fav printables

I even included a review guide and true/false quiz for a Science grade. Heres a glance at the review guide.

I also added fun writing printables like this one to get the students excited about writing!

Heres something I tried to make new for my little ones. I think they would like the idea of cutting it, mixing it up & putting it in the right order to make the word. I offer it in black & white and also in color for center use. You can laminate the colored ones and reuse in the future for centers, buddy or independent work.

This bundle is so cute and will be perfect for your little ones. If you want to check out more, click here to take you there or check out what other products I have in my store.
In this bundle you will see:
*writing prompts b&w/full & half page
*can, have & are
*word search
*frog review guide
*frog quiz true/false
*3 life cycle booklets: color/b&w/and empty lines for students to fill in the life cycle
*write & draw
*life cycle cut &paste
*finish the frog
*roll a froggy
*facts & opinion
*facts page
*word of the day
*frog report
*read and comprehend
*word strips (color & b&w)
Hope you enjoy!!
Night Night!
Available link for download