Wednesday, February 1, 2017
Foreign Rights Not for the Faint of Heart
Foreign Rights Not for the Faint of Heart
In 2006 I had a mid-grade novel accepted for publication and the publisher and I agreed a sequel would be a good idea so I got onto writing that and submitted this at the beginning of 2008. The first book came out late 2008 and the sequel was scheduled for 2009. Then the recession hit and the publisher reduced their list and pulled the plug on the sequel. I get regular queries from readers about when the second book is coming. This year I discussed the possibility of getting both books published overseas and the publisher returned international rights to me while retaining local regional rights to the first book. Now I want to query both books to the US and UK but Im not quite sure how to go about this. Do I send/query the first book in its final form or as a manuscript?Depends on whether you think its published Australian form does the book proud in the US market. Some Aussie publications do, and some dont. Sometimes I see books published in foreign countries and the cover style is so far off from what would work for us here that it inspires a strongly negative reaction even though I know that this reaction is irrational and unfair to the book. If you dont think its published presentation is stunning, send it as a manuscript and include a page with its Aussie cover and publishing info. Be prepared to answer the question "Why didnt the Australian publisher submit this to us for foreign rights?" In fact, do you know that the Australian publisher didnt? Generally we dont like being sent the same thing we said no to a year ago by someone else.
If they were interested would publishers keep it in its first published form?Unlikely, but possible.
Am I doomed? Is there hope? I would greatly appreciate any advice you could give me on this non-run-of-the-mill problem.With the economy in the state it is, theres a little more doom running around than there used to be, but no, youre not out of the race yet. Still, this is going to be tough going, so be sure you want to spend this effort on this book, rather than investing it in writing a new book.
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