Friday, February 24, 2017
Four Things To End the Week
Four Things To End the Week

I have a big article about the indie games biz up on Gamasutra. Im quite happy with how it turned out. Enjoy!
Everyone all justifiably atwitter about how Tim Schafer raised upwards of one million dollars on Kickstarter to make a new adventure game. Its a great proof-of-concept for the whole publicly funded game thing. If Tim Schafer couldnt pull in some coin to make an adventure game, nothing else has a chance.
I think its brilliant, and it ties well into what I said in my Gamasutra article. The secret power of indie devs is to exploit underserved niches. Expect other Kickstarter-funded games in future. I only hope the results match the expectations.
Heaven forbid that I should be thought to criticize Notch or Minecraft. (I wont even point out that the whole end boss/enchantment/potion/combat system is taking the game in entirely the wrong direction to please exactly the wrong group of people.)
But, about this.
Hey, I wouldnt presume to give them advice. But, after I make my 30 million dollars, Im not going to rely on Anonymous to finish my games for me. Just sayin.
Every once in a while, I read someones critique of OK Go as a band, focusing on the fact that they basically fine and only have one decent single. (Dont click that link. Youve seen it already.) But that misses the point. They arent a band. Theyre much more interesting than that. Theyre a meme-generation factory, and really good at it.
So here is my legally mandated one link a year to an OK Go video. Yeah, like you have something better to do with three minutes and fifty-four seconds.
Look for my next link to them in roughly fifteen months, when they play some pleasant and non-threatening power pop by shooting kittens out of a cannon into steel drums, or whatever.
Available link for download